Sunday, May 30, 2010


I had something explained to me this week in a new light and I wanted to share. I keep on thinking I will have time to research a source so I'm not sharing misinformation, but I really don't think that will happen so I'm just going to post some "facts" according to Andi.

We all know that metabolism is basically the number of calories our bodies use. I guess this happens in 3 basic categories: rest, exercise, and digestion. Digestion accounts for the smallest amount of calories burned, about 10%. Exercise is the one we have the most control over. It can account for 15-25%. This will depend on how active we are etc. It's our resting metabolism, however, that makes the biggest difference. It accounts for 55-65%!!! I want to know how I can burn more calories while I'm sleeping.

It's easy (in theory). First, increase your lean muscle mass. This is one reason why strength training is so important. The more lean muscle mass you have, the more calories you burn. Next, increase your heart rate. This is where the cardio workouts come in. I also like to do some interval training because the more you push it, the more of a difference it makes. I can't run a 7 minute mile, but I can run at that pace for 90 seconds. Couple that with 60 seconds of walking and repeat 10 time and you've got yourself a very good, metabolism boosting workout.

I love the feeling of being healthy and active. Right now, I'm a work in progress and the progression is slow, but it feels better and better the more I do. Maybe this is why.

Week 3!

I hope that you didn't get caught in a funk this week (I might have). I am super impressed with how well we are doing though. Just a reminder, it's the end of May and I'm still missing info from a couple of you. I will do my best to contact you personally. Keep up the good work.

Andi=3.56% loss
Diane=2.76% loss
Heidi=2.38% loss....had to much fun this weekend
Jacee = .80 % losss slowly slowly but its coming
Katrina=3.51% loss (yes, I too gained half a pound) Let's hope for a better week this go around.
Kelli=3.57% loss (yep, caught in a funk... gained 1 lb.)

Monday, May 24, 2010

A Little Goes A Long Way

10 everyday things you can do for that extra bit of exercise

· Hold a wall sit while reading

· Bust out a few squats as you’re brushing your teeth

· Walk around during phone conversations

· Hold the grocery bags at a ninety degree angle and feel the arm burn as you walk to your car

· Do calf raises while you wash your hands

· Swap your desk chair for an exercise ball

· Wax on, wax off! Shiny car and toned arms

· For buns of steel simply repeat the classic gluteus squeeze as often as you think about it throughout the day

· In through the nose, out through the mouth; deep breathing is good for the body and the mind

· Bring on the housework! Adapt your mopping, vacuuming, window washing etc. to create a little more burn

Saturday, May 22, 2010

Week Two Weigh In!

Alright, week two is here whether you like it or not! If you need a refresher on how to post your weight loss take a look at last week's post for directions. If you don't see your name in the list please add it. :)

Remember, this is now going to be a running total, not just this week's weight loss. So if I started at 150 lbs and have lost 2 lbs a week...drumroll...I plug in (4/150)x100= 2.67%

Here's the formula:
(total weight lost/starting weight)x100=percent weight lost

Andi=2.14 Wow! I'm having a hard time keeping up with some of you.
Ashley= 1.13% Loss
Cassie = 4.13% Loss

Diane = 2.46% Loss
Heidi =
2.38% Loss
Jacee = .67 % Loss
Katrina= 3.83 % Loss
Kelli= 4.17% Loss
Leah= 0% Loss (Don't judge the zero... I just started today)
Lori = 2.95% loss

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Moment of Truth

Everybody ready for the first week's weigh in? Here's how you do it for those of you who don't do the blog thing. Sign in by clicking where it says "sign in" in the upper right hand corner of this page. Then click on "customize," "posting," and "edit posts." This week's post is titled "Moment of Truth" so just click on the "edit" button next to it. That is the post you want to edit. Next to your name simply type the percentage of weight you lost. Here's the formula:
(weight lost/starting weight)x100=percent weight lost

Andi=.71% asked for it Katrina. Be prepared for some real competition next week.
Ashley= 0 because I indulged last week... but I am prepared to kick some Boo-tay next weigh in.
Cassie = 3.30% loss. sorry i posted this yesterday but apparently did it wrong :)
Heidi = 1.98% loss
Jacee = 0 this week but Im a slow loser.
Katrina=1.92 % loss - Bring it on! :-) I need you to keep me motivated!!
Kelli=0% (don't be fooled... I started late and don't you worry I can still win!)
Lori =2.18% loss watch out ladies I am motivated!!!!
Diane=1.87% This competition will be good for me. Look out because I like to win!

I've gotten verbal commitments from some people who I haven't received info on. Just add your name to the list and get me your stuff. Also, it's not too late to join if you have friends who are interested. Good luck everyone!

Monday, May 10, 2010

It Starts Today

Everybody ready? I have received official entry information from a few of you and have no doubts that there will be more of you. Just make sure you weigh yourself and get it all to me by the 30th of this month. Starting next Monday, we will each post our weight loss percentages. I will post directions on Sunday night.

I am no expert, but here is the main thing that helped me the last time I lost my baby weight. CUT CALORIES!

I think the best way is to be aware of the food you eat. First, know how much you should eat. I did Weight Watchers, but another option is to count calories. There are plenty of calorie calculators that will tell you how many calories you need to eat to lose weight. I found one on If you're not up to counting calories, find your own way to be aware of what you are eating and what's worth it. For example, I learned that bacon just wasn't worth it anymore, but a chocolate chip cookie once in a while was.

Before last year I had never really paid attention to calories. I just thought that if I ate healthy foods and exercised I would lose weight. Never actually losing the weight should have been a clue to me. The problem was that I could eat 300 calories way faster than I could run it off on a treadmill. Grab a slice of whole wheat bread, string cheese, and an apple and you're almost up to 300 calories. A medium sized bagel, about 289 calories. Add cream cheese and you're up to 436 calories!

Last tip, write it down. I was really surprised at how much I was actually putting in my mouth when I started writing it down. Be aware. If you are anything like me, the first 2-3 weeks you will feel like you are starving to death. Try to fill up on veggies (skip the butter and go with fat free salad dressings) and drink plenty of water. Your body will get used to eating the amount you need to to lose weight.

Sunday, May 2, 2010

No More Tomorrow Weight Loss Challenge

No More Tomorrow Weight Loss Challenge

Most of us aren't completely happy with our bodies nor do we lead a perfectly healthy lifestyle. So here's a little bit of motivation to lose some weight and get healthy.

We've decided to play the same game that many have played before. It's our own biggest loser challenge. We would like to challenge any of our friends who want to lose weight to join us in this friendly little competition.

It will start on Monday, May 10, 2010 and go through August 10, 2010. Just in time for a gorgeous winter body! Here's the catch and the real motivation. In order to enter this challenge, you need to send in $15 by May May 31st. At the end of the competition, the one with the greatest percentage of weight loss will win earn the money. How great is that? The winner will definitely need some new clothes so let's call that the first outfit or two.

Right now we don't know how many competitors there will be so we’ll throw in this little disclaimer. If there are more than 10 we will split it up into 1,2, or maybe 3 winners. So spread the word and up the ante

Before it starts, we suggest taking a “before” picture. No one has to see it, but I'm sure everyone will want to see before and after pictures of the winner(s). Since we all are going to be working so hard, we will probably want to show off how far we've come. Measurements (tummy, arms, hips, and thighs) may also help keep you motivated if you see those getting smaller even though the scale isn't going down as quickly as you'd like.

We will stay connected with this blog. All participants have the login information so we can each post tips, stories, recipes, workouts or anything else we think might be helpful and encouraging to other participants.

On Monday, May 10th we will each weigh ourselves. At the end of the competition, August 10th we will weigh ourselves again. No cheating people. Each week we will post our running percentage of weight lost. For example, if you weigh 180 lbs and the first week you lose 1.2 lbs you take the weight you lost (1.2lbs) divide it by your starting weight (180) and multiply it by 100.

(weight lost/starting weight) x 100 = percentage of weight lost

(1.2/180) x 100 = .67

On week 2, take the total weight lost to get my running total. Say I lose 1.3 lbs during the second week. I then take 2.5, my total weight loss, and plug it in.

(2.5/180) x 100 = 1.38

It's that easy! You will never have to post your actual weight on the blog. You can even use a screen name if you would like. The winner will be the one who loses the greatest percentage of their starting weight and will get a check in the mail.

Now the hard part is losing the weight. That's why it will be so great to be doing it with a handful of other people. We are much more likely to stick to our goals when we have to be accountable. A weekly weigh in will keep us on track. Plus, we will be able to share things that work or get help when from a bunch of other people when we are stuck.

Just fill out the last page of this document and send it in with your money and you've started! If you have any questions, please e-mail me at


· Starting weight taken on May 10, 2010

· “Entry Fee” of $15 must be received by May, 31st

· Ending weight taken on August 10, 2010

· First and last weigh in must be taken in the same clothes.

· Weigh in's each Monday

· Submit percentage of weight lost to the blog

· You can't already be too skinny.

· Winner(s) determined by the greatest percentage of weight lost.

· Winner(s) receive(s) the total of all entry fees

What you need to do:

· Send in fee with personal information as stated on the last page.

· Take before and after pictures

· Measure your waist etc.

· Cut calories and exercise to lose weight

No More Tomorrow Weight Loss Challenge



Screen Name (optional):_____________________

e-mail address:_____________________________

Starting weight_____________________________

Please send with $15 to:

Andi Thompson

1210 S. Bristlecone Dr.

Cedar City, UT 84720